Creamy Honey

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Creamy Honey

Polyflora honey is produced from a wide variety of flowers, with none in particular predominating. Its colour varies from light to dark amber, depending on the flowering. Its aroma is floral, intense and persistent. Its flavour can vary from sweet to more intense flavours, also depending on the flowering. It is slow to crystallize in small crystals.

Miel Cremosa Ficha In.
The Creamy Flower Honey is made from a base of Raw Flower honey, that is, as it is extracted from the hive, without having subsequently had any heating process. The creamy texture of this honey is achieved through a mechanical cold whipping process.

To better understand how polyflora honey is obtained, we must first know that varieties of honey are classified according to their botanical origin, that is, by studying the type of flowers the bees have visited and used to make honey. When only one flower variety predominates in the honey it is said to be monofloral (for example: rosemary honey, orange blossom honey and thyme honey). On the other hand, when no specific floral species predominates in the honey, we say that it is a multifloral or polyflora honey.

Polyflora honey is therefore a natural mixture of various flower pollens, since there is no floral species that predominates over another. Depending on the geographical area and the local weather, the honey may contain one pollen or another, because it will depend on the flowers that grow there and which ones the bees visit. The geographical area and the weather will also affect the organoleptic characteristics of the honey.

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